Electronic Gadgets

Electronic Gadgets

  • We offer and use the most advanced, reliable, and costefficient technology in video surveillance systems, detection, and early alert for intruders and threats in our corporate security programs.
  • We develop intelligent solutions to offer design, installation, integration, and 24/7 monitoring of electronic security projects.
  • Patrol Robotic - Drones are employed : Self-navigating AI-based security robot drone that monitors and alerts on intruders, security breaches, and potential threats. State-of-the-art automated security robot that combines the accuracy of sensors, visibility of cameras, the flexibility of drones, and mobility of humans.
  • While not in flight, the robot docks on the ceiling, serving as a security camera.
  • Logistics Security : The most complete and multifunctional tool for monitoring and controlling your assets with efficient reaction protocols.
  • We protect and assist executives on their business trips. We are prepared and qualified to avoid crisis in different countries and threatening environments and to mitigate it if necessary.
  • We transport and protect executives and families worldwide with standards and protocols according to each country and its threat conditions.
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